Relationship Tips


Whoever says “most African couples’ are not romantic is absolutely telling the truth.

Many marriages are just about sleeping, waking, eating, cooking, raising the kids, working and ageing together till death comes.

Many couples only hug each other when they receive a good news.They only kiss each other during copulation.

The husband only puts food in his wife’s mouth when she is terminally ill and unable to feed herself.

Many wives only buy gifts for their husbands when he is hospitalized.

The only time couples race together is when there is danger somewhere and everyone is running.

The only thing that makes couples go for an evening stroll is when they have something vital to discuss and they don’t want the children to hear.

The only time some couples eat together is when their in laws are around……

The only thing that makes couples bath together is when they have a flight to catch and they are running late already.

The only thing that makes an African man touch his wife’s neck is when she complains of fever, afterwards he won’t touch it again, till her next fever.

The only thing that makes an African woman look closely into the eyes of her husband is when he complains of dirts in his eyes.

The only thing that makes an average man carry his wife on his arms is when she is in labour and he is rushing her to the hospital.

The only thing that makes an average woman stroke her husband’s beards is when she is removing dirts from it.

People do say:
If you see an African couple sitted in front of their house in the evening, you may think they are romantic, but they are only waiting for the smell of the insecticide to vanish….

If you see a man opening the door of his car for his wife, its either the door is bad or the wife is new.

How won’t the rate of divorce and infidelity increase when most marriages have no sweetness?

Think about it …….and bring romance and sweetness back to your relationship/marriage.

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