Health & Beauty

Nursing one’s husband back to health after he’s been bitten by adultery bug

The unforgiving torture of watching helplessly while a loved one is curled up, ailing, is among the worst of life’s emotional pains.

A friend once found herself juggling research moments on Google trying to find effective home remedies, and a few phone calls to me and other friends seeking advice.

She prayed too. She couldn’t bear witnessing her man’s condition deteriorate.

Just a couple of days prior to this he had been away for work. We all reckoned he must have caught the bug out there.

All motherly instincts kicked in as she started nursing the man, while he refused to see the doctor.

He was acting tough but she could clearly tell that he was sick. He’d even break into tears at random and was in great pain and distress.

She felt for him – to the point of calling his mother and summoning all forms of sympathy for her poor husband.

fighting couple

I guess she has that thing men call wife material because, personally, I do not know what to do with a sickly black creature weighing almost 100kg, literally crying for attention – so, I remain unmarried.

She spent three days catering to him and three sleepless nights fetching and giving him stuff on demand – not that he was pleasant during his downtime either.

She had to contend with his foul moods, sweaty armpits and still tell him he will be okay. She even had to wash his underwear while he moaned all day, and ate.

Finally, a bout of nausea and a persistent headache compelled her to force him to consult a doctor. She drove him to his physician. Strangely, this was the first time since he took sick that he parted with his phone.

While he was in the rest room, a message came through from an unsaved number. She opened it, in case it was an urgent work-related matter.

Okay, that’s her story and she’s sticking to it!

Now, this is how my friend found out that her husband was suffering from something far worse than just a mere flu bug. It was his heart. Shame. He had been dumped by his lover – and was clearly heartbroken. She had dedicated all her wifely goodness to nursing him from a break-up.

The liar had all the right symptoms. Convincing. Only, all along he had been coughing lies, lies, lies and his nose was probably blocked by all that adultery. Now he was busy vomiting out all his guilt.

He was grieving his affair and enjoying his wife’s empathy. Even I took him Woolies butternut soup when I went to check on him.

To think we had to keep our voices down for his sake. While he needed peace to reminisce about his beloved mistress. the gall!

This woman had gone to the lengths of blaming herself for not including his heaviest coat when she packed for his trip. See, women love to take ownership of all misfortunes.

She had even wondered if she should have pushed him to get the flu shot in May. I guess philanderers are immune to flu anyway.

This man was busy catching feelings for other women – not the winter bug!

Then, when we had our girlie moment, over wine and gospel music, trying to make sense of it all – she wondered if she should be rejoicing over the fact that the lady dumped this man because she realised he had no intention of leaving his wife?

I wondered if this should be any consolation. I guess we will always find excuses for our partners, and create reasons to forgive them.

As if we don’t have enough issues to deal with already.

Now we can’t even trust that these men really have the flu.

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