Zimbabwe News

Grace Mugabe in emergency SA trip

First Lady Grace Mugabe missed Zanu PF rally in Masvingo to attend to an emergency relating to her sons’ accommodation in neighbouring South Africa.

This was revealed by President Robert Mugabe during his youth interface really in Masvingo

Saka vati tine hurombo ndanga ndichidisa kuti ndive nemi pamusangano uno asi netsaona dzakaita ikoko handinga kurumidze kuuya ndisati ndawana patsvene panogara vana, vakachengetedzeka vese, nemukuru, vari kuzvikoro.



(I wanted to be there with you at this meeting but the emergency in South Africa could not allow me to return on time since I have to make sure my children have secure accommodation),” Mugabe said in explaining his wife’s absence.

Mugabe’s sons — Bellarmine Chatunga and Robert Junior — are now studying in South Africa after the relocation from United Arab Emirates of his elder son who was stationed in Dubai until last year.

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